Saturday, 3 April 2010

Write Up Of The Info On Pages

Double Page Spread

The Bratz

“The Bratz” two of the most talented 18 year olds around; gifted, intelligent and beautiful. Their story begins way back from the “streetz of North London.” From nothing, they amazingly became something! Major single selling, nationwide known, Hip-Hop princesses. Yes, they wanna rule Hip-Hop!
Record breaking album sales are top priorities for them BUT these sassy chicks also want to ‘represent’ – this is GIRL POWER for the noughties…

Q. “Bratz” you’ve known each other practically your whole lives now, so you must have had some very fun times! What would you say is you funniest Memory?
• Diva E: we sure do! Some very very fun times.
• Baby Blue: VERY fun times ( smiles)
(The girls look at each other and laugh)
• Diva E: I think one of the funniest would definitely have to be
me and Sel on new years

Q. Diva E, This may be a bit too personal, we know but that’s what makes it more interesting (With a big grin) what is your most Embarrassing Moment?
• (Gasps) Oh Gosh! July 22nd. My biggest gig at the time. I was on stage doing what I do best, this time at its worst. You would think while singing, the music changing and mic cutting off would be embarrassing! Well how about on top of that waving at your boyfriend, soon finding yourself flat on the floor in front of everyoneeee!! That WAS embarrassing...

Q. Baby Blue, we all now know you are a crazy, wild chick. There’s probably not just one, but what would you consider the craziest Thing you’ve ever done?
A. (Giggles) Well… were do I start. Ermm, it musta been when I was at some party in Miami, that was the BEST party ever by the way. Well yeah we were having fun, dancing, singing. I go into the building now. 6th floor! In the balcony and before you know it I’ve jumped right down into the swimming pool!! I still don’t know how I survived!!?? Sure was a thriller though.

Sunday, 28 March 2010