Friday 27 November 2009

On My Contents Page

Listed below is what i would like to include on my contents page and what i would like it to look like.

Colours : I will be using bright bold strong colours on a dark background, for three reasons.

  1. It will make the writing stand out and clear to the reader of what is written.

  2. My teenage audience would like to see colourful, bright pages; appeal to them.

  3. Seems fun, playful and welcoming to the reader

Images : I will include some images which are relevant to what may be included in the magazine articles. Seeing pictures immediately draw the readers attention, so this will give me a chance to make certain articles/ parts of the magazine stand out more.

Information on the page (My First Draft) :

  • Past and Upcoming Gigs

  1. Rhianna's performance in Manchester

  2. T.I comes to perform in O2 Arena

  3. Chris Brown live at Wembely

  • Interviews

  1. 50 Cent and his Son

  2. Neyo

  3. Alica Keys

  4. Lil Wayne

  • Celebrity couples
  1. Beyonce and Jayz

  2. Chris Brown and Rhianna

  3. Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey

  • Songs

  1. Charts

  2. New Singles

  3. Most sold Albums

  • Extras
  1. Celebs fashion
  2. Celeb hairstyles
  3. Chipmunk Vs. Tinchy Stryda
  4. Celebs caught slipping

  • Up comming Celebs
  1. Team Two Two
  2. Rude Boyz

Looking At Different Contents Pages

This is another students work which i have found on the Internet and particularly liked. I like the way it is laid out and the style of the page, as all the bits fit in together neatly. It is clearly divided into different sections of the magazine making it easier for the audience to select which parts they want to read.

Moreover, the colours used go very well together; the neon yellow and white makes the writing stand out allot on the black background making the writing clear and readable, also and the pink gives a strong, bold outline to define the images the good colour co-ordinating scheme works well in this image and makes every detail stand out. This added to the attraction of their audience which would be teenagers, which is also the same for my one so i will be using bright, bold colours as well.

I like the fact that they have images on the contents page, and the images used are linked to the articles in the magazine. Images make a page seem more enjoyable and entertaining, it entices the reader to explore the magazine further, which this one definitely does. I too would like to add images into my contents page so it would seem fun and almost welcoming.
Furthermore, the fact that there are only a few images and they are part of the articles which are numbered with big bold writing makes them articles stand out the most which may be what the writer was trying to establish. This is a good way to make more important articles be seen and grab the readers attention.

The information included in the contents page was well thought out as all the artists are very famous, established R&B artists, which would attract the audience the writer is trying to appeal to. In addition, the other article titles included seem to be very interesting and teenagers would want to read them, as it did appeal to me and if it was in front of me i would definitely read the inside.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Planning My Own Music Magazine

Now that I have done enough research on music magazines, i am quite clear now on what my music magazine should look like. I have also taken into consideration audience, costs and logos. I can now start the planning to make my own magazine.

While planning I will be putting into consideration the results I got from my survey and will try to include what the public have voted for making it appeal to them.

The things I will have to think about to include in my music magazine are:

  • A music magazine title

  • Genre of music ( R & B, Hip-Hop )

  • Audience ( Teenagers )

  • Institutions ( L. Londell McMillan )

  • Design ( Fun, Playfull, Free )

  • Content ( Music, Fashion, Media industry)

  • Language etc. ( Slang, Short, Clear, Perice )

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Jude Rogers' Interview

Jude Rodgers is a journalist for magazines and newspapers and writes in the following: NME, The Guardian, and The Word. She kindly visited my school and spoke to our year 12 media classes on how and what she does to play her part in the making of the magazines. As NME is a music magazine it is very helpful to hear what she had to say on how to make your article sound the best and most interesting it possibly could.

She told us that she started writing in her own way and kept her own writing style. For our writing to stand out we should have our own unique writing style the way no one else writes. However, according to the target audience, genre or topic you are writing about she told us you would have to change the format of it. For example, an article in the Times to an older audience would use more formal, mature language, in contrast to Seventeen magazine which is aimed at teenagers which would be written in more slang, talkative format.

Therefore, she emphasised that it is very important to know who your target audience is in order to be able to write in a way the reader will enjoy it and feel it was made for them and that it is their type of magazine. This will also make it easier to know what to include in the article, for example what type of fonts, colours, images, style and format of writing.

Jude said to write out an interesting interview it is important to pick out little details of the person being interviewed and included some of them aspects in the articles. Such as their looks, behaviour and the way they answer the questions. Also by included weird or funny things about them such as bad habits, phobias etc could make the article more interesting and amusing to read.

So the aim of an interview would be to obviously get information on the artist but also something interesting or significant which has never been said before that no one knows of making your article interesting and different to the rest and stand out.

We were also told that we did not need to limit ourselves to a certain type of music when writing in a music magazine, as you can write about many different music genres in one same magazine this is because people are more interested in allot of different types of music now and not just one genre as it was around 20 years ago.

Jude also insisted on the importance of having an attractive, catching front cover to draw the audience attention she also said it could be as simple as we wanted as it did not have to be too clever. Moreover, the logo and title is also very important, it should be one word ,catchy and direct this will have a Strong affect on the audience making them relate and want to read the magazine.

Overall, Jude Rogers was very helpful, useful and a great inspiration to people who would like to do journalism. She gave allot of useful unimportant tips and hints on how to make your article the best over others by being able to make it stand out and appeal to your target audience. She also made it seem easy and possible and motivated me to do the best i could when making my own music magazine.

Double Page Spread

No man's land- Imortal Technique

This is a very unique, different approach to what would be included in a music magazine, it is not the typical music based article. However, is a rappers view on the war in Iraq. This would not be expected to be found in any other music magazine, and is what may make this magazine more interesting and appealing.

Part 2: This shows that there were and will be several other articles about this issue which would make people want to buy the next magazine to carry on reading the articles.

The fact that the artist is wearing an Arabian scarf around his head would prove he is from an Iranian country. The figure he is showing with his fingers represents "peace" and implies he is a good person and wants the war to end and for there to be peace this would allow him to be liked by the public and people would feel happy reading the article.

The artist used in the image looks like he would be from the middle east, however because the picture has been taken with him placed on an British tank, it could show the similarity between the two sides and in a way represents two sides to him which young people who are born in Britain or America but are from middle eastern countries could relate to him and the article. This would be good to include in a music magazine as young people are more likely to read music magazines rather than newspapers or listen to the news so this way they would still get information on war and world realities by reading the music magazine.

His face from this image does not seem happy or amused at the idea of the war and therefore shows the audience there is something wrong with it. This would grab attention as pictures in music magazines are usually of happy celebrities, smiling with a positive approach. However, to see this one with a sad, angry face would reflect the darker side to the world.

The colours that are used in the article are very dull, dark colours to represent and emphasise the seriousness of the writing. It does not use bright colourful writing, so does not give a positive happy feeling. Moreover the fonts used are very simple and formal which shows it is a more mature, informal piece of writing.