Wednesday 11 November 2009

Planning My Own Music Magazine

Now that I have done enough research on music magazines, i am quite clear now on what my music magazine should look like. I have also taken into consideration audience, costs and logos. I can now start the planning to make my own magazine.

While planning I will be putting into consideration the results I got from my survey and will try to include what the public have voted for making it appeal to them.

The things I will have to think about to include in my music magazine are:

  • A music magazine title

  • Genre of music ( R & B, Hip-Hop )

  • Audience ( Teenagers )

  • Institutions ( L. Londell McMillan )

  • Design ( Fun, Playfull, Free )

  • Content ( Music, Fashion, Media industry)

  • Language etc. ( Slang, Short, Clear, Perice )

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